Sleep and Meditation
Do you have trouble getting to sleep because your mind is just racing with thoughts from your day, things to do tomorrow or a even just brain-junk? Well I do, and this can make it hard to go to sleep even when my body is tired. My go to solution is to spritz my pillow with Sleep Scents Pillow spray, settle back in bed, turn on a guided meditation.
Listening to a meditation gives the mind something to focus on, mutes other sounds and reminds the body and mind that it is time to relax and sleep. There are many great platforms for mildfullness and meditation including Headspace, Smiling Mind, and Calm. My favourite free App at the moment is Insight Timer. I use this every evening and morning, and sometimes during the night if I wake up. The free version gives you access to over thousands of types of meditations organised into different categories such as Beginners, Parents,Guided, Talks, Daily and Sleep.
The many benefits of a daily medication practice have been well documented and is recommended for physical and emotional well being. Here are my top 5.
The Top 5 Benefits of Medication
· Relaxation and improved sleep
· Helps to manage stress and anxiety
· Increased self-awareness and insight
· Enhanced focus and clearer thinking
· Helps to control or even reduce pain
So start meditating today. Even 10 minutes a day can bring great benefits.