Sleep and Travel

 In these COVID times, overseas travel is but a distant memory but many people are discovering the joys of travelling within Australia and within their own states. Getting a good night sleep on holidays can be a challenge with changed routines, different beds and unfamiliar pillows. I am currently travelling in Western Australia and have taken a “Sleep Pack” containing my Sleep Scents Pillow Spray, SleepScents Roll On, ear plugs and a brilliant Sleep Mask we have been trialing.


This has really helped me get to sleep and get a good sleep. The familiar, calming scent on my pillow makes it smell like home and is very comforting. The sleep mask is comfortable and let’s in no light at all which is essential when the room doesn’t have blackout curtains or blinds. The ear plugs and noise cancelling ear buds blocked out road noise or unfamiliar sounds.


Don’t forget to keep up your meditation when travelling even if it is just 5 or 10 minutes mornings and at night. This helps me keep grounded, grateful and calm, which enhances the enjoyment of the holiday and helps me get that good night’ssleep so I’m ready for every adventure.


Pack a Sleep Pack – Include the following

1. Sleep Scents Pillow Spray or Sleep Scents Essential Oil drops.
2. Ear plugs
3. Eye mask
4. Sleep Scents Roll On. (10 mL or 5 mL depending on your time away)
5. Ear phones or noise cancelling ear buds


Happy travels,
